Our goal is to support Skyview Middle School & North Creek High School families with food security challenges.
Did you know?(According to Washington Feeding America)
This pantry relies primarily on the generosity of our school communities to help us provide healthy meals to our Skyview & North Creek families in need.
Requests are still up from last year. We need to keep the pantry stocked to support food bag deliveries 2 times a month!
There are 4 ways you can help:
Questions? Contact Food Pantry Chair, Melissa Kline.
Here are the greatest needs: ( those in BOLD are needed ASAP but all items are low)
Any extra donated food items that we cannot use will be donated to the Woodinville Storehouse, Maltby Food Bank, or other NSD school food pantries.
NCHS/Skyview PTSA Food Pantry Driver Job Description
The volunteers delivering grocery bags for the Food Pantry need to be aware that the confidentiality of families that we are helping and supporting needs to be honored in the highest regard. The concept of confidentiality is covered in the District Orientation online reading material, but we wanted to remind each volunteer that we need to keep the information about families in need to ourselves. Since this is a confidential program, we cannot allow students to deliver to families, and we cannot have drivers bring their students to help.
We are also in need of drivers who can be on an “on call” list for larger delivery dates (near Thanksgiving and in December) or for standard delivery days where we are short drivers (due to sickness, personal conflicts, etc.).
Please contact Melissa Kline for more information for Wednesday delivery role or “on-call” role.
Thanks to everyone who helped get our food pantry stocked for last September!
Let's see if we can do it again this year.
This is what our first drop off looked like this year!
(September 2023)
Find information about how to request a bag of food.