One Pill Can Kill | Christina S.-P. | 1/20/2025 | 1/29/2025 |
One Pill Can KillSkyview PTSA is excited to announce we have scheduled a CRITICAL presentation for ALL parents & caregivers to attend, presented by Marcus Pickett, MBA, MS, CRC, Community Outreach Specialist for the Drug Enforcement Administration, Seattle Field Division. This presentation is geared for PARENTS & CAREGIVERS. We are working with our school and hope to bring the presentation to the students (adjusted for middle school audience). We will be hosting this Parent Education following a brief PTSA General Membership Meeting from 6:30-7:00pm. Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 7:00-7:45 pm: One Pill Can Kill Presentation - 7:45-8:30 ... read full article |
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Open House for Parents and Students | Christina S.-P. | 2/5/2025 | 2/6/2025 |
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Open House for Parents and StudentsJoin NSD CTE on Thursday, February 6th , at Bothell High School for an evening of program exploration, course planning, and career inspiration with our Career and Technical Education program informational booths. Learn from instructors and current students about our Career and Technical Education courses and student leadership offerings! Check out NCHS website for more details, ... read full article |
Parents of NCHS Seniors! | Christina S.-P. | 1/29/2025 | 6/14/2025 |
Parents of NCHS Seniors!🎓 Let's give our grads a night to remember!! <<< PARENTS OF NCHS SENIORS >>> Jag Night is an all-night, chaperoned celebration happening right after graduation. Students will be transported to a safe, secret location for an unforgettable evening filled with food, games, entertainment, and more. It’s the perfect way for them to celebrate their big milestone in a secure environment. Early bird ticket prices are available now, but don’t wait—prices increase on April 1st! We need parent volunteers to help make this amazing event possible. Your time and support will ensure the night runs smoothly and ... read full article |
Reflections- Deadline | Christina Swanson-Perrin | 11/6/2024 | 11/24/2024 |
Reflections- DeadlineReflections-Art Contest for Students NCHS PTSA Reflections deadline is Wednesday, November 22. Click the image below for more information. ... read full article |
Seeking Elected PTSA Officers | Christina S.-P. | 3/5/2025 | 6/30/2025 |
Seeking Elected PTSA OfficersPTSA Officers for 2025-2026 NEEDED Did you know NCHS PTSA is a non profit here in Washington? This means we must have officers that are elected to run our 501c3 organization, which helps our kids and our school community. Please consider reaching out for more information. Contacting us and asking questions doesn't require you to take any positions. ... read full article |
NCHS-SMS Food Pantry | Christina S.-P. | 2/15/2025 | 3/1/2025 |
NCHS-SMS Food PantryIf your family is in need of food support for the rest of this school year, please sign up below. The PTSA Food Pantry bags will be delivered by our food pantry volunteers. Wednesday, February 26- regular weekly bag English Food Request Form Formulario de solicitud de alimentos de NC/Skyview- Enero-Junio 2025 ... read full article |
Avid Tutors Needed! | Christina S.-P. | 2/5/2025 | 6/18/2025 |
Avid Tutors Needed!A Message from NCHS: Jags - we have an amazing AVID program at NCHS filled with amazing students! What we are missing are amazing AVID tutors! AVID tutors assist students achieve their full potential by facilitating collaborative tutorial groups. Tutors use Socratic questioning and collaborative learning techniques to help the students come up with the answers to their questions on their own and by working with fellow students. AVID tutorials take place in small groups that are subject area specific. As an AVID tutor, you are an active participant in the learning, growth, and personal development of students. We provide ... read full article |
We Need Your Help! | Christina S.-P. | 2/5/2025 | 6/18/2025 |
We Need Your Help!If you are a PTSA member and looking to volunteer a few hours or just want more information contact Barby Taheri at ... read full article |
NCHS Intercultural Festival | Christina S.-P. | 2/5/2025 | 4/25/2025 |
NCHS Intercultural FestivalPlease save the date and join us for the annual NCHS Intercultural Festival on Friday, April 25, 2025, 5:30 pm-8:30 pm in the NCHS Commons This event is being hosted by NCHS, NCHS PTSA, and NCHS Natural Leaders. The goal of this event is to bring the Jag community together to celebrate all aspects of the rich cultural diversity of North Creek High School. Event details and registration form to participate can be found here: In partnership, NCHS Intercultural Festival Committee: Dr. Gregory Cox, Tamorah Redshaw, Mayela Martinez, and Hanisha Bakshani. ... read full article |
Food Drive at QFC- Need Volunteers | Christina S.-P. | 1/25/2025 | 2/23/2025 |
Food Drive at QFC- Need VolunteersNorth Creek PTSA & Skyview PTSA are hosting a Food Drive benefiting their joint food pantry (serving both schools). The food drive is scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 10am-3pm. MONITOR COLLECTION STATIONS: We need volunteers to monitor the tables outside the entrances to QFC. Volunteers will hand out flyers with a shopping list and kindly ask community members if they want to help. Sign up here. DONATE FOOD: Save the date for the food drive, swing by QFC, and contribute if you can! Thank you for your continued support!! ... read full article |
Reflections Update | Christina S.-P. | 1/25/2025 | 2/8/2025 |
Reflections UpdateDrum roll please... Congratulations to all of our artists who shared their idea and concept for this year reflection theme "Accepting imperfections". We had a total of 10 submissions from our school. We also have one entry from NCHS that qualified to the State. The state qualifiers will be judged at State level for advancing to Nationals. Congratulations Divyata Bhattarai (10th grade ) for advancing to WA state reflections in the Visual Arts Category. ... read full article |
NCHS Garden Club | Christina Swanson-Perrin | 11/23/2024 | 11/23/2025 |
NCHS Garden ClubThank you to the NCHS Garden Club for donating fresh produce to the NCHS/SMS PTSA Food Pantry this fall, and special thanks to those who financially donate to PTSA, with your support PTSA was able to gift the garden club a grant to help fund supplies. What a great example of our community working together. __________________________ ____ _____________________________________________ ... read full article |
Sponsor a local family this Thanksgiving | Melissa Kline | 10/11/2024 | 11/23/2024 |
Sponsor a local family this ThanksgivingSponsor a Family for Thanksgiving Please click on the image above or the link here to sponsor a family for Thanksgiving Meal. Each meal cost $45, but any dollar amount helps. We are planning for 50 families needing a meal based of last years numbers. Meals will include (or similar based on availability): Turkey Cranberry Sauce Stuffing Chicken Stock Potatoes Gravy Rolls Pie Vegetable Side Dish Fruit Any donations in excess of what we need for Thanksgiving Meals, we will use to supply the ... read full article |